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+852 23020728

Manhattan Tailor

Tsim Sha Tsui
Roger - Tailor
More than the finest craftsmanship, Manhattan Tailor is known as impeccable customer services included listening the customers’ opinions, providing pick-up service and door-to-door fitting service. Last but not least, the efficient delivery of Manhattan Tailor is highly appreciated.
  • Production Time
    Less than 1 week
  • International Shipping?
  • Handcut in Hong Kong?
  • Alteration?
  • Ladies Dress/Suits?
  • Language
    Cantonese, English
  • Price Range
    Ladieswear: Below HKD $3,000
    Shirt: Below HKD $300
    Suit: Below HKD $3,000
  • Awards & Recognitions
    Quality Tourism Services(QTS) Award - Hong Kong Tourism Board
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  • Manhattan Tailor
    Manhattan Tailors was recommended to me for their amazing service and quality of workmanship. My experience was fantastic and wonderful. I was greeted really well and shown many different kinds of fabrics for suit,shirt and tuxedo silk jacket. I was given excellent prices which made my experience most better. Everything was measured perfectly and no adjustments were needed. I highly recommend this shop and Roger!
  • Manhattan Tailor
    Manhattan Tailors was recommended to me for their amazing service and quality of workmanship. My experience was fantastic and wonderful. I was greeted really well and shown many different kinds of fabrics for suit,shirt and tuxedo silk jacket. I was given excellent prices which made my experience most better. Everything was measured perfectly and no adjustments were needed. I highly recommend this shop and Roger!
  • Manhattan Tailor
    Manhattan Tailors was recommended to me for their amazing service and quality of workmanship. My experience was fantastic and wonderful. I was greeted really well and shown many different kinds of fabrics for suit,shirt and tuxedo silk jacket. I was given excellent prices which made my experience most better. Everything was measured perfectly and no adjustments were needed. I highly recommend this shop and Roger!
  • Manhattan Tailor
    Manhattan Tailors was recommended to me for their amazing service and quality of workmanship. My experience was fantastic and wonderful. I was greeted really well and shown many different kinds of fabrics for suit,shirt and tuxedo silk jacket. I was given excellent prices which made my experience most better. Everything was measured perfectly and no adjustments were needed. I highly recommend this shop and Roger!
  • Manhattan Tailor
    I have been getting my tailored made suits and shirts from Manhattan Tailors since 2007. I would not go anywhere else or trust anyone else to make my suits and shirts for me. Mr. Roger is a class act and will treat you right. He has an amazing array of material for your suits as well as a huge selection of colors for your shirts. I've tried other tailors around the globe and no one is as good or better than Mr. Roger and Manhattan Tailors. If you are in Hong Kong, pay him a visit and I promise he will take great care of you. And the best part--his prices are very affordable.
  • Manhattan Tailor
    Manhattan Tailor is superb! I was in Hong Kong and stopped in for measurements and purchased a new suit and some shirts. 3 years later, I messaged them over WhatsApp and requested a new suit for my son's wedding which was delivered the other day and it fits perfectly. Although they come to the United States you can order on their website or through WhatsApp. Amazing talent fantastic quality and great customer service. I have found my tailor for life
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2025 - 02 - 20